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Celebrating International Women's Day at SAAF

Date published: Date modified: 2024-07-22

It’s International Women’s Day, and this year’s theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

‘Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #InspireInclusion.’ – IWD.

At SAAF, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive employer, with 50% of our leadership team being women. This has a ripple effect on the rest of the business, with the women of SAAF feeling valued in the company.

This International Women’s Day, we asked our wonderful colleagues to write messages about female team members who inspire them. Read on to see some of the messages we received. 


‘As we commemorate International Women's Day, I want to take a moment to express our gratitude for the exceptional women who are an integral part of SAAF. Each one of you brings unique talents, dedication, and leadership to our workplace, making us stronger and more vibrant every day.

It's important to recognise not only the professional achievements of our female colleagues but also the incredible balancing act they perform in their personal lives. In many instances, women carry the majority of childcare and domestic duties while excelling in their roles at work. This juggling act is a testament to your strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to both your families and SAAF.

Today, let's celebrate the remarkable contributions of all the women in our workforce. Your dedication, passion, and ability to thrive in every aspect of life inspire us all.

Thank you for being the driving force behind our success.’

‘I'd like to shout out to all the women at SAAF, each one of them brings something different to SAAF and that is what makes our firm stand out. From Caroline, who keeps us in a safe and healthy working environment, to Su and Dominique who sit at the top. We have great staff who will become great leaders!’

‘All the women at SAAF have made me feel so welcome and valued since I recently joined the company.’

‘As a business, SAAF would not be where it is today without the amazing women we have working throughout the company! We are so fortunate to have brilliant women driving SAAF forward at every level of the company from my partners to our apprentices. Even my amazing wife, Amy, now works in our HR admin team, she has been my absolute rock and supported me wholeheartedly on the long and at times difficult journey of the last 12 years, allowing me to chase my dream. Happy International Women's Day!’

‘At SAAF Education Ltd we have several women in leadership roles. This shows the gender equality and diversity within the company. Each one of these women is inspiring, their resilience and determination, showing that leadership qualities are not bound by gender. Balancing the demands of a career with those of family life using exceptional multitasking skills.’

‘The women at SAAF inspire me to work hard.’

‘All the women of SAAF inspire me, everyone works so hard and juggles their other commitments so well. SAAF is a really good example of a company with strong female leaders.’

‘I wanted to shout out all the women I am lucky to work with at SAAF. How they juggle their working days, the commutes, their families, their pets, and the early starts and late finishes and still turn up every day smiling and looking like queens! Superwomen!’

Isma - Pensions Administrator12 1

‘Just wanted to give a shout-out to Isma. She is an extremely hard-working and dedicated member of the payroll team. She is a credit to SAAF.’

‘Isma Habib is funny, easygoing, supportive, and a team player,’

‘Isma Habib’s dedication and professionalism truly shine through as well as Isma's positive energy and it's a pleasure to work alongside someone as talented and supportive as Isma.’

Vicky - Assistant Director 19

‘Vicky is a really strong female leader, she inspires me daily to be a hard worker.’

Payroll team

'I am consistently inspired by the hard-working women on the payroll team and our amazing management team, as well as feeling very welcomed when joining SAAF.

Sian inspires me with her bubbly personality and her hardworking attitude even when things get hectic within the office.

Huda continues to inspire me with her compassion and ease when dealing with clients and is always happy to lend a helping hand.

Isma inspires me with her ample knowledge and always makes me laugh in the office, she is always ready to jump on to assist the rest of the team.

Laura inspires me with her work ethic and her confidence, she has been great at helping me manage deadlines and I'm forever grateful for her assistance and warm welcome.

Heather has been incredibly inspiring and I always feel I can go to her for help whenever I'm stuck and she never makes me feel silly for asking anything. I am also constantly inspired by her music taste and 'dragon music' for helping us concentrate.

I'm incredibly grateful and inspired by my management team Maya and Domanique, they're both extremely hard-working women and I am grateful to have their ongoing support and leadership within the team as well as one-to-one. I feel very blessed by having such inspirational women to be able to look up to.'

‘The ladies of payroll are all really nice and approachable, they inspire me to work hard!’

Maisy - Trainee Management Accountant 18

‘Maisy demonstrates a hard work ethic and it is inspiring to see her learning a new role that she has not been familiar with previously, all whilst showing a positive attitude and having a beaming smile on her face.’

Nicola - HR Service Manager20

Happy International Women's Day! Thank you Nicola for your unwavering support and guidance. Your leadership exemplifies the strength and resilience of women in leadership roles, making you a true role model not just for women, but everyone at SAAF!

Mia - Head of Marketing21

‘Mia is warm, approachable and a fantastic leader and should never think otherwise! Nothing is ever too much trouble and she makes it known that she is there to support her team always. She gives her colleagues a boost and praise, making it known that hard work is recognised and appreciated. Thank you for being a great leader and role model to all around you!’

‘Mia is the glue of the marketing team. I don't think I have ever met a person who is so committed to their job, so hardworking, and so capable of juggling so many other obligations outside of the company. I would be so lucky to become half the marketer she is. Aside from work, she is extremely likable, fun, and is always there when you need support or a shoulder to lean on. I am extremely lucky to have Mia as my manager and friend.’

Ellie - Marketing & Sales Assistant 22

‘Ellie is very inspiring, she goes above and beyond in all she does and nothing is ever too much trouble. She makes everybody feel welcome and demonstrates amazing values and morals setting a high standard for us all. We are lucky to have you as a friend and colleague Ellie!!’

‘No matter what, Ellie overcomes hurdles and challenges herself every day. I find this inspiring! Thank you, Ellie, for not only being a valued member of the team but also being an incredible friend.’

Kestra - Marketing Executive 23

‘There is never a dull day when Kestra is around. She makes the whole team smile and makes office days very enjoyable. She is a fantastic team player and shows dedication to her work, day in and day out. Every business needs a Kestra!’

‘Kestra is a ray of sunshine with the most contagious personality. She never fails to brighten up a dull day in the office. She always pushes me to be the best version of myself and I aspire to be as dedicated, confident, and personable as she is. She is always there to pick me up when I am being a little too tough on myself and always manages to put a smile on my face at the end. I am very lucky to have Kestra as my colleague and friend. I think everyone needs a Kestra in their life.’

Sharn - Business Development Officer24

‘Sharn is such a lovely, warm, and welcoming person. She has made a massive impact in her role and is amazing at what she does. She is extremely sweet, easy to talk to, hardworking and has slotted into our team perfectly. I am lucky to have a friend and colleague as sweet as Sharn. Our team wouldn’t be the same without her.’

‘Sharn Machin inspires me daily! Every day she works relentlessly and has made such a positive impact on the team since joining us.’


‘Su is an inspiring woman to me for numerous reasons. Above all, she oversees the entire company while effortlessly showcasing remarkable patience and elegance. Her journey of building the company from scratch is truly inspiring to women everywhere!’

‘The female partners at SAAF are really inspiring, it's nice to work in a company that26 has such strong and kind female leaders as role models.’

‘Domanique never fails to amaze me, she's an inspiring woman. She seamlessly juggles so much in her day-to-day - I don't know how she does it!’

‘Domanique inspires me every day. She runs a payroll service, manages her household and is a fantastic mother to two beautiful children. She takes anything life throws at her and makes it work’

Imogen - Compliance Officer25

‘My message goes out to Imogen Walker. I doubt another human on the planet would have the patience to deal with the numerous registrations and general inquiries flooding in from the currently remote London office and with such good grace. Thank you, Imogen!’

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By SAAF Education
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8 March 2024


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