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Training Sessions

KPIs for Trustees

During this session, we delve into the essential performance metrics for trustees, aimed at comprehending the position's responsibilities and analysing outcomes effectively.

Training Sessions

GAG Pooling

Multi-academy trusts (MATs) are still investigating the feasibility of general annual grant (GAG) pooling as a method for allocating funds among their schools. This session will underscore the primary advantages of GAG pooling for your multi-academy trust.

Training Sessions

Finance Staff and Budget Holders' - Roles and Responsibilities

Grasping the essential roles and responsibilities of a finance professional or budget holder is vital for proficient financial management. In this session, we'll outline the duties associated with your position.

Training Sessions

CEOs and CFO - Roles and Responsibilities

CEOs and CFOs hold various roles and responsibilities. Watch this session where we'll delve into duties, compliance with the ESFA handbook, and the support resources accessible to them.

Training Session

Finding the Best Finance System for Your School

In this session, we'll spotlight the essential components of an efficient finance system tailored to your school, academy, or trust. We'll explore the fundamental necessities of a finance system and strategies to maximise its effectiveness and efficiency.

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